HomeBASE General Ledger

The General Ledger application is the hub of a fully interactive accounting system. General Ledger is fed by the
other accounting systems there by reducing manual entry of journal entries. Manual entries are further reduced
by the ability to clone batches from previously entered data.
General Ledger Features include:
- Unlimited user defined financial reports
- Account inquiry with full detail
- Inquiry and reporting by account or department
- Report Cloning for easy generation of similar reports
- Retain up to three years detail
- Inquiry by account or department
- User selected comparisons (Prior year prior period, budget, and trends)
- Account editing and verification
- Future and prior period processing
- Batch cloning for recurring journal entries and accrual reversals
- Retention of prior year detail for comparison purposes
- Full detail ledger with selected period printing (one period to full year)
- Unlimited accounts and detail transactions
- Optional multi-company processing
- Multi-company consolidation for financial reporting
- Soft year end closings
- Distribution from one account to many
- Wild card selection of accounts/departments on financial reports