These customer case studies show how various industries use The De Lorenzo Group to provide solutions. See what makes The De Lorenzo Group the perfect solution.
Columbia Law School - Columbia Human Rights Law Review - Credits De Lorenzo With Their Database SuccessSend inquiries to Ms. Tailor HongAs an example, the following email message was received by John De Lorenzo from Taylor Hong on Wednesday, Feb 4, 1998 at 7:19 PM. With her permission, I have included the following quotation. "Columbia Human Rights Law Review and the Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual are publications by students at Columbia Law School. In addition to the production side of the publications, one of the major challanges for the journal staff is to organize and keep track of the subscribers, prior members of the journal staff, finances, and other administrative information. Since the journal's inception in the late 1960's, all this had been done manually on index cards or standard forms. Faced with boxes and file-cabinet full of documents that went back decades, we realized that our existing system was no longer viable. We contacted John De Lorenzo and The De Lorenzo Group who provided us with a database program specifically designed to meet the administrative needs of our journal. The degree of customization seen in our database could not have been achieved had we merely resorted to a generic database program on the market. We would be happy to further discuss our experiences with you. Please contact one of the journal's staff members who worked on the project, Taylor Hong, at 212/749-1244 with any queries."
Incest Awareness Foundation (IAF) - Credits De Lorenzo With Their Web Site SuccessAs an example, the following letter was received by John De Lorenzo from Allison Bird on Saturday, October 10, 1998. With her permission, I have included the following quotation. "Dear John I can't begin to tell you how pleased I and my colleagues at the incest awareness foundation have been with your set-up and management of our web-site. Each of us knew that we needed site; but but no one had even the barest hint of how to accomplish what you have. We are thrilled with your work. As you know starting the foundation has been quite an ardous task. If your willingness to go the extra mile with us (especially by your generous offer of a 20% donation to iaf for any products purchased from The De Lorenzo Group through iaf's website) were reflected in even half of the people we do business with...I am quite certain we would already have accomplished our first year's goals. Last week I received a call at my (private) office from a woman interested in the to tell the truth conference. When I asked how she had gotton my office number she told me she had visited our website and had left a message on our voicemail. But we had not gotton back to her quickly enough for her tastes. Tenacious soul, she called the Waldorf-Astoria and got my phone number. We had a long wonderful conversation that ended with her sending a mailing list of press contacts that I have been in need of for quite some time. In the week since sending a mailing to that list we have already been contacted by ABC TV and New York Newsday. Fortuitous, yes. But it wouldn't have happened without the site you designed. Once again, thank you for your efforts. Sincerely, Allison Bird, President - Incest Awareness Foundation" More success stories will appear here in the near future, so stay tuned. If you have a story to tell, send us mail at |
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