Want to see the basic features
and prices? If so, this is the place for you!
-- scroll down for information about the
individual applications -- then select
those applications in just one step, using
the scroll bar to go down to the s item. Each of the applications may be purchased
individually or in groups.
Each application is priced by the number of user -- thats
per computer.
"What's all the fuss
about?" "What's so great about
HomeBASE?" "Is HomeBASE an appropriate
package for developing enterprise software?"
"Will it connect to our server?"
"Is De Lorenzo for real?" "What's a
HomeBASE?" "Who is John De Lorenzo?"
"Shouldn't I prefer a big company like
Microsoft or Borland or Sybase?" Get the
answers to these questions and more...
John De Lorenzo
311 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016 (212) 213-2357
(212) 213-2357